Friday, April 16, 2010


The other day I was in a grocery store, and they actually had LIVE octopus in a bin - how crazy is that??

Saturday afternoon, the kitchen here at Ilsan Town wasn't preparing lunch.  So we decided to order some take out / delivery food.  SO INTERESTING.  A guy on a motorcycle shows up with two large metal boxes.  He comes in the house and opens the boxes, where there are three shelves in each box.  He then pulls out all of our items we ordered - on actual plates, bowls, silverware, napkins, etc...

And when you're finished with the meal, you just stack the dishes - you don't wash them or clean them out of leftover food; and you put the dishes outside your front door.

Then several hours later....another guy on a motorcycle arrives and picks up your dishes and silverware!

And that's how Korean's order take-out! Pretty darn cool!

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