Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I thought I would share some things that I love about Korea!

I love that it's illegal to have a gun in South Korea. If you hunt, you have to store your hunting rifle at the local police station.  During hunting season, you go and "check it out" like a library book! There are never any stories about people being killed by guns on the news. No accidental shootings of innocent people, no gang shootings, no robberies where someone is killed by being shot.  Violent crime in South Korea is very low.

I love that the elderly are respected.  You give up your seat for the elderly on buses, subways, etc..NEVER would a teenager (or younger) continue to sit somewhere when there is no seat for an elderly person.  The youngest give their seats up first. 

I love that they don't wear shoes in the house...sometimes it's a pain when you're going in and out all the time, but that's why they wear slip on shoes! And you NEVER go barefoot in a house - that's a big Korean no-no.

I love that their television commercials are at the same volume as the show you are watching.  Sometimes the commercials are even lower!

I love that the emphasis here in S. Korea is small portions. No Super Big Gulps, no Super Sizes.  In fact one of the commercials running on television right now is for "Mini Coke" - a smaller version of a 16 oz. Coca-Cola.

I love that vehicles, textiles and electronics are so cheap here! They make cars, clothes and electronics locally - so naturally they are very inexpensive here.  And state of the art electronics are always fun to see here...because they won't be in the U.S. for at least another year (or longer). i.e. - GPS in your car that you can watch t.v. on, phones that you can watch t.v. on, phones you can put up to a pad at the grocery store and it deducts the amount from your checking account. 

I love that's its not the job you hold that's important - it's how you do the job - to the best of your ability.  That's what counts in Korean culture.  No one cares if your a CEO or a bus driver...but you should do your job well, and be respected by others for doing a good job.  This is why a recommendation from someone is HUGE here, not the jobs you've held; but what people say about your work ethic.

I love how Koreans drive! they don't mess around here...they have places to get to.  A cab driver I had was going to make a left turn at an upcoming intersection.  There were too many cars in the left turn lane, so he past the cars in the turn lane, drove right up next to the first car in the turn lane, turned his blinker on and made it a double left turn at the intersection. Light turns green and he sort of squeezed his way in... Despite all the rules they make up themselves, you rarely see a car accident. I've been here almost two months and have seen 1 fender bender on the side of an on ramp to a highway.  They drive crazy but they drive with precision accuracy!

Last but not least.... I love Kimchi! (pickled cabbage in red pepper paste - fermented)


  1. Great blog, Melinda! You've really captured some great thoughts and videos here! I hope many others are able to experience what you've put here.
    --Pat Williams

  2. Thanks Pat!
    When I get back to the US I'm going to make a sort of memory book out of my blog. I know Holt-Oregon is going to direct people to my blog, who are interested in volunteering at Ilsan in the future.

  3. This is very cool! Your enthusiasm, emotions, writing and fotos give the reader the feeling as if we are beside you! Thank you!
